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This site was created for international collectors of antique tins and other old advertising items. To select objects on pages with available objects you can use the button Interested in this object. After that you can use the basket to inquire about all the selected objects.
By clicking on the Available button you find the objects currently for sale or barter. In the Database you find both, available and not available objects. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive, searchable database with collectable advertising objects from the period 1850-1950. We encourage collectors to send us pictures of special tins in their own collection. Ask us for the options by clicking the Contact button.

Through this site it is also possible to contact other collectors in order to establish direct communication to sell, buy or barter your own tins.
Disclaimer: The administrator/owner of this side provides this site among other things as a forum for collectors and disclaims any responsability for any and all results from direct bartering, selling or purchase transactions between individual collectors on or through this site.